news e upload

Shuttle buses to Rome airports

We have updated the section Information: Travel and accommodation by posting final information on buses to Rome airports at the end of conference. First bus will leave from LNGS on Friday May 6 at 2:00 pm. VERY IMPORTANT: PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS BUS WILL NOT PASS BY THE HOTELS BEFORE TAKING THE HIGHWAY TO ROME AND ONLY A QUICK STOP AT AMITERNUM BUS STATION WILL BE AVAILABLE ON REQUEST. Second bus will leave in the morning of Saturday May 7 and will pick up people from affiliated hotels. Timetable is: 9:00 AM - Hotel Nido dell'Aquila -> Hotel Fiordigigli 9:05 AM - Hotel Giampy 9:25 AM - Hotel Federico II 9:30 AM - GSSI (for those who are staying at Hotel San Michele and Hotel L'Aquila) 9:35 AM - Amiternum bus station 9:40 AM - highway to Rome airports. ...

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Shuttle bus info and new rules for Covid prevention

We have updated the section "Information: Travel and accommodation" by posting final timetable for shuttle buses to the conference site on Sunday May 1 and Monday May 2. Timetable for the rest of conference days will be posted shortly on the same section. We have also added a link to a very useful summary of latest rules on Covid-19 prevention release by the government of Italy. Please check the section "Covid-19 related information"....

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New circular released on April 27

A new circular released today by the Local Organising Committee is available here. The circular provides updates on conference information, including registration of accompanying persons, transportation, events and conference posters. In particular, it would be very beneficial for the organisation if participants could also update their registration information regarding trasportation and social events. Information and instructions are available on the circular....

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Payment system for fee now available

IMPORTANT The payment for the regular fee of the conference is now open. Please click on the button “PAYMENT FEE”  available in the section Information: Conference fee. A separate payment website dedicated to the support program for graduate and PhD students will be opened soon on the same page. ...

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